- 05 Apr 2025, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm ISTZoomCan a single video be seen by everyone on Earth?
- Sat, 03 MayZoom MeetingUncover Misconceptions. Rethink Teaching. Build Lasting Understanding.
- Sat, 24 MayZoom MeetingUncover Misconceptions. Rethink Teaching. Build Lasting Understanding.
- Sat, 07 JunZoom MeetingUncover Misconceptions. Rethink Teaching. Build Lasting Understanding.
- Sat, 07 JunZoom MeetingUncover Misconceptions. Strengthen Science Teaching. Inspire Inquiry.
Certified Workshops for Educators

GSP May 2025 program is a 21-day immersive residential and academic experience designed to ignite the love of learning in students through hands-on activities, engaging courses, and expert mentorship. Running from May 11th to May 31st, 2025, this residential program caters to students in three divisions: Explorers, Wizards, and Pathfinders, each tailored to meet the needs of different age groups and stages of development. Beyond the enriching academic experiences, GSP offers a vibrant residential component where students make lifelong friendships and create lasting memories
- Sat, 12 AprZoom MeetingTips on how to take Stunning Photos with Any Camera
- Sat, 17 MayZoomDiscover how to unlock new possibilities by reimagining everyday objects and thinking outside the box!
Fornightly Challenge! Can you solve it?
Founding Members

Northwestern University
Center for Development
Educational Initiatives
UAE Regional Partner

SAGE Educational Consultants

Who We Are
Gifted World is the trusted community for parents and educators of high ability learners.
Parenting an academically advanced student can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time!
Join a community of people learning to navigate these same waters.
Why Gifted World?
As a parent or educator of a child with advanced talents, these may be familiar challenges
Feeling Overlooked
Advanced Learners have Unique Needs that aren't always appreciated
Struggling with misunderstanding
Low awareness of giftedness leading to misunderstood behaviour
Hard to find a supportive community that understands a gifted parent's journey
Emotional &
Social issues
Lack of challenge, support and peer group leads to socio-emotional difficulty
Concern about
wasted potential
Early Identification and support crucial to reach their full potential
When identified and supported, talented students show more motivation and develop confidence to work towards their goals. Gifted World aims to support parents, educators and schools in this journey.

How can we help?
Meeting different Needs
From community events to individual consultations, courses and more, we support you and your child on their learning journey.
We offer parenting workshops, career exploration guidance, information about talent development (through blog posts and live events), and training and consulting services to schools. Our residential summer programs are a wonderful way to connect with the community.
Country Chapters

Evanston, IL, USA

Bengaluru, INDIA
Dubai, UAE
Gifted World in Numbers

Rupasri Chalavadi
Currently in a Bachelor of Science program, in Neuroscience and Computer Science, at
Johns Hopkins University. ATS gold scholar and alumnus of Gifted Summer Program 2016
I'm currently getting my bachelors in Neuroscience, and my first ever exposure to the field was through the ASSET Summer Program. My experience at this Program was an incredible learning and growth opportunity for me, both personally and academically. It inspired my interest in neuroscience and medicine, and I am so thankful for the opportunity it gave me!
Mayank Shenoy
Currently in a BSc Program, in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Toronto,
ATS Gold Scholar, Alumnus of Purdue GER2I Summer Program, 2016
"The learning has been very exciting...we used Raspberry pi to build aeroplane trackers.....similar to the ones built by my instructor which are at Purdue airport and Chicago O' Hare report...
Samay Gupta
Currently a Predoctoral Fellow at Harvard Business School, and Undergrad student at Colgate University, ATS Bronze Scholar, Alumnus of SIG @Yale Program, 2016
I like the diversity here- the way different students have been raised is so different...their culture and our culture and their lifestyles. Everything is so diverse here, there are people from all across the globe...so it's interesting to see what they are like
Lasya Varma
Inventure Academy, Bengaluru, India
ATS Gold Scholar, Alumnus of Gifted Summer Program, 2022
When I first got my ATS results, I vividly remember my grandmother being there and she was very supportive of it. Although I hadn't thought of the test results too much before that because I didn't want to be disappointed when I got them, I realised they were quite good because I got gold scholar and I was very proud of myself. Seeing the opportunities it brought were very excited as well.
Mariah Ann Mathews
Our Own English High School, Dubai
ATS Bronze Scholar, Alumnus of Gifted Winter Program, 2022
About the Gifted Residential Program - Wonderful! There are minds from all over the world, in one room and we get to hear different opinions from each beautiful mind. It really changes your world or your perspective about a topic.
Nirupama Joyalraj
GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai
ATS Gold Scholar, Alumnus of Gifted Winter Program, 2022
About the Gifted Residential Program - We learn about things we don't do at school. At school, we are given sums, we do it. Here we think about how this happened, when it happened and why it happened... It's not just by definition and memorizing, but more what we think and hearing what others have to say.